My Wishes For You in 2021

As we kick 2020 in the butt, I would love to share my intentions for all the people in my life who are special to me.

In 2021, I hope…

I hope you can see yourself they way I see you. I hope you are able to see how wonderful you are, exactly as you are. You are loved by many. You are enough.

I hope you feel peace. Real peace. Life has ups and downs and stress and challenges. I hope at the end of every day, you know that you can handle anything thrown at you and that, no matter how hard, each day alive is truly a gift.

I hope you utilize whatever tools you need to protect your physical, mental and emotional health.

I hope you take time for yourself. Work is important, but it is not our entire lives. I hope you make self-care a true priority.

I hope you laugh every day.

I hope you are able to make time with your family and friends, even if it continues to be virtual for a while. Friends are the family we choose and they are our rocks. I hope you lean on them as needed. I hope you know you have never been or ever could be a burden.

I hope you can welcome change as it comes your way. I hope you enjoy surprises. I hope you can keep an open mind and an open heart.

I hope you choose courage, authenticity and vulnerability over fear and shame.

I hope that you choose to become stronger – not harder – when challenges come your way.

I hope you choose integrity, even if it feels hard.

I hope you know we can get through anything together.

I hope you surround yourself with things that help you feel joy as often as humanly possible.

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